Thursday, May 6, 2010

Alert: Kyle Busch is acting like Kyle Busch again!

On Saturday night in Richmond Va. a Kyle Busch Spotting has been reported. I repeat Kyle Busch has been spotted lapping the entire field, well almost. By the time the first caution flag waived Busch had lapped all but 8 cars. Luckily for the field the caution came when it did or else we really would have nothing to talk about, besides Kyle Busch.

Busch led 226 of the 400 laps run during the Saturday night shootout. What does this mean? Trouble for the pack. We have seen this type of dominance from Busch in the past, weekend sweeps, annihilation of any contenders, and trophies hoisted. For a brief while the sentiment around the garage was "where did Kyle go?". Well not to worry, old shrub is back. Let's rephrase that, time to worry old shrub is back!

All we are looking for is someone to stick it to JJ and the 48, and every week I prognosticate about how this weeks winner will get hot and make a championship run. I guess I am saying it again here. If Busch can revisit the form he had in '08 it will only spell trouble for the rest of the pack, most of which are used to watching in awe as the 18 zooms by them.

Meanwhile Kevin Harvick has slowly planted his flag atop the standings. This marks the first time Harvick has been atop the leader board since he won the Daytona 500 two years ago. Take that Shell/Pennzoil! Shell/Pennzoil, Harvick and the 29 teams primary sponsor, announced last week that they will no longer fund the 29 car. Next year they will back the other Busch, Kurt, when he moves to the Penske racing #22 car. This move will free up the legendary Blue Deuce for none other than Brad Kaslowski. Not exactly sure why Roger Penske is shaking things up, but for all intents and purposes this move makes BK his franchise driver. Not bad for a spoiled private school kid from the affluent suburbs of Detroit, Michigan.

Jeff Gordon looked sharp as well last weekend and almost made me look real good with my prediction that he would end his win less streak with a win at Richmond. Gordon finished 2nd, and as for all that acrimony between the 24 and 48, yeah they did what champions do, they got over it. I am sure that Gordon still wants nothing more than to see the 48 fail, however he is a good employee, and continues to tow the company line.

Next week its "The old Lady in Black" that's right Darlington! Get your spray guns out cause there's going to be a lot of touch ups come Monday morning. Darlington is famous for the Darlington stripe, a phenomenon that occurs when the track that is too tough to tame causes tires to ware out so bald that the cars begin to drift towards the wall, eventually the wall "grabs" you as you proceed, and leaves the right side of your car with a lot less paint on it. Now a days its more like a Darlington Grind, but the smaller retaining rails used in the past would leave a perfect stripe down the side of your ride. Darlington is like the ocean you better respect her or you could find yourself lost at sea.

Michael Clark (emsea)