Friday, February 13, 2009

Here we go!

With the start of the Nascar season underway there is allot to discuss. We have Smoke calling his own shots and looking strong in his new #14 chevy. Many believe that the 14 will not be competitive out of the gate, but i beg to differ, with Hendrick power under the hood and a working alliance we can expect Tony to be as eminent as ever. I would also love to see the 24 back in the saddle this year. I wasn't always a Gordon supporter, in fact I actually lothed the very sight of him at one point, but his success is a key element to the sports success. With tough times here and no relief in sight NASCAR could use some of its "heros" to step up and put the sport on their shoulders. Mark Martin in the 5? Yep the old guy is going for it one more time. If there is any justice in poetry he will hold the cup above his head in Hempstead this November. He has the team and the rescorces to do so but like we saw last year, once the chase gets started anything can happen. Anything! Kyle Busch had one of the most remarkable regular seasons last year and ended up finishing 10th when it was all said and done. Same with Jr. and the 88 guys, they ran strong all year, top three at the chase cut off, and ended dead last of all quaifing chasers.

With Daytona just 2 days away this Yankee is already starting to draft the semi's on the highway.
Here's to another season and in the words af the great philosopher Louis Sk0lnick, "its gonna be a great year"!

Michael Clark (emsea)

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