Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tynan the traitor: tenor to wear red stockings..

Finally some Yankee talk! I just heard that internationally famed tenor Ronan Tynan will ditch the pinstripes for red stockings?!?

I just watched the press conference where Tynan dons a red sox jersey and sings his spirited rendition of "God Bless America" including the unfamiliar first verse that he has made so popular over the past decade during 7th inning festivities in Yankee postseason play.

Yankee fans hypothesized that the long rendition would effect the warm weather teams visiting the Bronx on benumbed October nights. Now Yankee fans are left with a bitter taste for the tepid tenor.

Just another second rate move by a second rate organization in a second rate city. Boston enjoy yourselves, and to steal a line from Ron Burgundy stay classy!

Michael Clark (emsea)

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